

*I have 4 kids (2 boys & 2 girls).  Sometimes I feel like I have two sets of twins though.  My oldest two are 13 months apart...5 1/2 year gap...and my youngest two kids are 17 months apart.  At times it has been a little crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

* I am LDS
* I enjoy all things sports, but love softball & soccer, doing Zumba and just about anything active.
* I have a love/hate relationship with running.  I took up the sport after having my youngest and have since ran several 5 & 10 K's, one half marathon and the St. George marathon twice.
My sister and I trying to keep warm at the starting line.  (I am on the right.)
Kissing our well deserved medals for completing all 26.2 miles...and living to tell about it!

* Our family currently has 3 horses, 2 chickens and a dog. 
This is NOT one of our chickens.  My son caught this at a rodeo.
* I lived in Moscow, Russia for 5 months teaching English when I was 18 years old. 
* I have lived in 9 different places, but love the small town life...especially for raising kids!
* I have taught 3rd grade and worked as a reading interventionist, but I am currently in 1st grade and LOVE it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    I'm so glad that I've known about your blog and cute ideas...last week I just became a ROOM MOM!!!!! Thanks for your great site...keep posting those ideas because I have a Halloween Party, Christmas Party and Valentines Party to plan for Kindergarten.

    Take care,

    Lisa Bergantz
