
Friday, October 14, 2011

Witches Stew Game

Halloween Idea #13 - Witches Stew Game:

Family Fun offers this fun Halloween game that you can use at a class party.  Only 3 items are needed to get going...straws, construction paper and a bowl.

The instructions from Family Fun are as follows:

1.Before the party, ask your kids to help you cut ten Halloween shapes, such as ghosts, bats and pumpkins from construction paper. Each shape should be about the size of a silver dollar. Place the shapes in a pile beside a small bowl.

2.Using the straw as a vacuum, each contestant tries to pick up a shape and place it in the bowl to create the Witch's Stew. Time the players to see who can get all ten in the bowl the fastest.


  1. I really hope you are still doing the 30 halloween treats for us. I have been checking in every day I LOVE your site!! PLEASE PLEASE keep posting

  2. It's been a week. Hope you are ok!
