
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I Must Appologize...

I really have good intentions of keeping this blog updated more regularly.  I have had a lot of fun creating this blog and keeping things going and I don't want to lose it.  Life has been super busy lately with working full time again, the loss of a family member and now my sister-in-law discovering she has Cancer.  I guess it's true...when it rains it pours.  I realize that my Facebook page is not what I intended...I need time to figure it out.  Thank you everyone for hanging in there and being patient while I try to find the balance with my crazy life.  I will finally be sitting down to go through my e-mails this hang in there.  Thank you for being so understanding.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Keeping School Papers Organized

Since the school year is under way, I thought that now might be a good time to feature this idea.  If you are anything like me, I like to keep my kids' most important work from school, but I really don't like all the clutter that could come with that idea.  Sam's Great Ideas offers one filing solution to this problem.  I currently have my kids' work in a scrapbook binder, but think I might prefer this way.  Another idea, if your child has an art project that you really like, take a picture of it to keep the memory instead of storing a large art project that your child will probably end up one day throwing away anyway.  :)